I can't believe Google put out another ad for AI with a mistake Google made an ad showcasing the usefulness of Gemini and the text generated has a mistake, but somehow a Google employee says it's not a hallucination.
US government wants to delete trans people from travel information website. The relentless march of Trump's administration changes government websites by deleting references to trans people. The Internet Archive shows us what's missing.
Elon Musk wants to fund "indipendent media" in Europe? Elon Musk is apparently in talks with an Italian social media page that mostly posts clips of fights on the street. Yeah, that's citizen journalism, right?
This is the worst definition of AGI OpenAI and Microsoft have a private definition for AGI, but it's a bad one, and it reminds us about the shortcomings of putting anything and everything in monetary terms.
When the Honey is too sweet to be true Thoughts about sponsorships and economic sustainability as a creator while maintaining ethical standards.
ChatGPT is (still) often a bad experience for users Two years after its release, ChatGPT is at times still not a great experience for a non-expert-ish user. This is because of its fundamental limits of LLMs that we've known for a while, but I think it's still worth to point out
On "Dia" | Is an "AI browser" the future? The Browser Company, (the Arc guys), have shown today their next project, Dia, a browser built from the ground up for AI. I...have some thoughts, and mixed feelings.